Saturday, June 8, 2013

Milestones by Minutiae

How is Keira, you ask? I know! I've been quite wrapped up in my own process lately. Well, I suppose I've had the freedom to do so because she's doing really well! Within her perimeters, of course. I have become so schooled in infant development lately. And I say that because Keira's milestones are broken down far mare intricately than your basic head up, rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, talking. We are delighted that Keira has recently begun to:

  • Tolerate the medium-flow (rather than slow-flow) nipple on her bottles
  • Anticipate the pleasure of whats coming when we play a game
  • Tolerate things she couldn't before: riding in the car, walking around the mall
  • Hold her hands open more, sometimes raking her fingers to feel things
  • Move her arms and legs more
  • Nap in her bed
  • Be buckled into the car seat without 3 distinct for each click of the buckle
  • Be able to move her legs in a preliminary crawling motion when on her belly
The OT remarks weekly that Keira is stronger in terms of her arm strength and holding her head up. She's gotten so heavy that when out and about, I've been carrying her in the "chest pack" rather than the sling. We were wandering the isles of Home Depot the other day (the environment itself was a feat!) and she was lifting her head up off of my chest to look around! Hooray! She's strong enough that she can recline slightly in the high chair and sit with the family through dinner without slumping over and cutting off her own airway. We're even gearing up to start giving her some baby food!

Best of all, Keira is happy. Her laugh is infectious and we love that she is getting to a point where we can include her in more of the family's activities. She's been going on this well for a couple of weeks now, with no major regressions, though we have been expecting it. The biggest change is her ability to tolerate different sensations. Several of our closest friends have noticed and her PT said, "She's definitely at a new neurodevelopmental level." 

Though she's not supposed to say so, one of our therapists is confident that K will eventually walk and talk. That's so exciting to hear, of course, but it frightens me, too. If I dare hope she's capable of more than I have anticipated, I may have my heart broken again (Although, this is inevitable, I guess). More scary is the idea that she will become mobile, but she'll be uncontrollable and need ongoing supervision. Ahh! A day at a time, a day at a time. 

I've been soaking Keira in while the boys have been gone. Learning little things. She likes music. Prefers male voices to female, for sure. Sorry, no Sheryl Crow. I've put her in the chest pack and taken her for a couple of bike rides. We've been hanging out. I've resisted the strange craving I've had to sleep in her room. Typically, the boys and I are all downstairs and the nursery is upstairs. But since the boys are gone, I don't like being so far away. She's delicious. 

I am very eager for her ophthalmology appointment this next week. I am pretty sure she isn't seeing well, particularly out of her left eye, and I am curious whether glasses might draw her out more....I'll keep you posted. 

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