Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Birthday Brunch

A huge thank you to all of you who attended Keira's birthday party. It was a splendid morning. We had over 40 people through our home and many others expressed regrets that they couldn't make it.

We celebrate first birthdays these days not, in my opinion, for the baby so much as the parents. It's more of a we-survived-12-months-of-diapers-sleepless-nights-and-new-responsibilities party. For Keira it's no different. And maybe even more so, in this case, a celebration for me. I made it. I'm doing this. I've incorporated this new, strange, scary thing into my life. The feeling is somewhat akin, on the good days, to how I felt when I first took off on a two-wheeled bicycle all by myself. So, yes, it's about me, but I feel so much gratitude to you. I sincerely feel that the reason I have come through with my self and life intact as it is is you. So, happy birthday to Keira. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to you.

Okay. I know what you really want. Here are the photos. If, perhaps, the theme escaped you, it was a "Keep on Dancing" theme.
The table was the main decoration (Jeff was impressed that I threw a party with a theme, but didn't go into so much detail that I couldn't enjoy myself. Progress!) A tutu tablecloth, pink donuts, yogurt parfaits, roses, and a slideshow of some of K's best pics from her first year. And the best part....

The photo opportunity. I painted this! Isn't it fun? These photos were the guestbook of sorts, although I did miss a few people. Thanks for being good sports. Dancers, I mean. 

As you can see, Keira was passed around a lot. She did really well, though, except for the not eating all day part. But she mostly made up for it the next day. We were so glad Aunt Shelly, from Nashville, was able to be at the  party. My only regret is that we never got around to lighting a candle, singing, and letting Keira "eat cake." Oh, well. One of the more memorable moments was when Jeff passed around the video of Keira "twerking." It's pretty funny, I have to say. And follows in the footsteps of her brothers, who "dropped it like it was hot", if you remember the move, when they were infants. I don't think I can get away with posting that video here, but next time you run into Jeff...

Keira has (I have) a few favorite gifts from the celebration. First, my mom made the sweetest little dancer dress to go with K's ballet shoes. Then an old friend contacted me on Keira's actual birthday and asked if she could take Keira's portrait as a gift. Ummm....yes!

To be honest, I was doubtful that she could get any good shots. K isn't easy to take pictures of. But I LOVE these! If you ever need family/kid pictures taken, I can hook you up!

Next, Keira's OT gave her a Nuk brush, that just happened to be during her birthday week. This is awesome. Keira still loves to have her gums rubbed, but she has one very sharp tooth, now, so sticking my fingers in there is dangerous! Also, we learned that teething can be more difficult for kids like K because most kids her age are breaking down their gums by eating solids and she, well, isn't. So, this helps with that. 
Keira has had a lot of cute headbands, but she's never worn them. Usually I just think they look ridiculously huge on her microcephalic noggin. But this one came in a gift bag from a friend. I love it. Kind of makes me think of an old blues singer, like Billie Holiday. Plus, Keira smiled so big when I put it on her. Jeff joked that perhaps it's like sustained cranial sacral ("woo woo") therapy. 
This toy is awesome. Anything that coaxes Keira into looking straight ahead, rather than all the way over her right shoulder, is a score. Better yet, this number attaches to everything...her car seat, high chair, etc. 
Finally, an old friend whom I hadn't spoken to in a couple of years happened to stumble across my blog recently. She read it from beginning to end and, taking special note of my rant about toys for kids with special needs, she brought us this: 

So wonderfully thoughtful.

In sum, Saturday was the perfect way to conclude one hell of a year. I am feeling hopeful as we embark on this new chapter of our family's story. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you on Saturday! Love the pictures, and your words, and your beautiful, sweet Keira!!
