It has been a wonderful week. Liam was home for spring break and the weather was beautiful. The kids in the neighborhood have all been keeping the boys busy and I even got out into the back yard to do a little cleanup at one point.

Just a couple of appointments for K and they were encouraging. She's continuing to progress little by little. Look at her working on her head control!
I felt effective at the office.
I was happy with the interview that posted on Tuesday.
I cooked. Twice!
I vacuumed my own house (well, half of it), for the first time since K was born.
On Friday, Jeff took the day off and we had our first real outing as a whole family. We went to the zoo, lunch and the park. I was over the moon to have us all together. Keira did pretty well, too. It was a novelty just to have her outdoors. Saturday she was tuckered out, but all in all, I don't think the big outing set her back any.

And I can't forget Ringo...with much hesitation I told Jeff he could get a new dog. Ringo is from the Humane Society's IDAPI program in which "unadoptable" dogs are trained by incarcerated inmates for 3 months. Ringo couldn't be better. He sits, stays, prays, heals, fetches, etc. etc etc. and is extremely gentle and tolerant of the kids.
This morning Keira was dedicated at church. She wore the beautiful gown my grandmother hand crocheted that I was dedicated in in 1979! It was an extra special dedication, between the gown and all the grandparents there and being surrounded by our church family, many of whom have been supporting us in various ways over the past (nearly 7!) months.
The rest of the day will be spent with family and I think the boys will enjoy the skateboards the Big Bunny left here.
Busy week ahead. Four appointments for Keira. OT, 2 PTs and an initial appointment with a vision specialist of some sort. Ronin is starting soccer. Liam and Jeff are starting fiddle lessons. Matt is coming to visit from Seattle. I'm starting out encouraged. I have not been accustomed to restful weekends lately, but this one was refreshing and rejuvenating.
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