Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Welcome back!

It's been too long. 

I want to update all of you. I want to air my dirty laundry. I want to be honest and open about what this life is like. 

I've found it increasingly difficult to write, though. Obviously. 

I think there are a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is probably the fear of offending someone. There are so many people in Keira's life now, for which I am eternally thankful. And there are a lot of hard things. And the hard things, inevitably, include fallible people. By publishing the cross-my-heart honest truth, I run the risk of offending and/or alienating people who work hard for Keira. 

And I'm afraid I resent that. I wish everyone could just pull up their big girl/boy pants and be adults about everything, but it's not always that easy. Sometimes my frustrations are justified, and sometimes I just need to vent. I, too, am fallible and even though I know that, I typically try pretty hard not to burn any bridges. The sheer effort of that alone feels exhausting sometimes.

So, you see, I have conflicting goals. One goal is to create as big a support group as I can for our little girl. The second is to be an open book about the ins and outs of life with a medically fragile child.  

I don't believe that one necessarily precludes the other, but it's risky for sure, and with my limited time and limited energy and limited -je ne sais quoi- sanity (?!), it's been easiest to avoid the writing altogether.

But here I go again. Because I think it's worthwhile. And I hope you think so, too. So much to share. Stay with me!


  1. And even posting the conflict without the details sounds so fruitful and important to others. Cheering you on all the way.

  2. Love the picture! Love your honesty.
