Tuesday, September 15, 2015


To be totally honest, party day was tough. Jeff and I were exhausted. I was not the most enthusiastic or gracious host. But the day was certainly festive.

Special thanks to Steph, for the wonderful decorations. They're still up. Jeff said, "We should leave the banner up all the time, cause that's pretty much what this house is." The banner says, "Welcome to Keira's party."

Thanks so much to my mom, for taking the lovely photos and for preparing all of the pudding. Yes, we had pudding. And it was delicious. Because, you see, K can eat pudding, too!

Thank you to everyone who came to the party and to everyone who sent well wishes. Thanks to all who brought clothes! Keira is going to be the best-dressed 3-year-old this season!

And thank you to everyone who has already contributed to buying Keira's bike. We are so excited for this. More on that soon.

The update for the week is that Keira continues to retch and vomit uncontrollably in the evenings. She's going to have her G tube converted to a G-J tube on Friday. This procedure is pretty minor. It's outpatient and we should be able to do it without sedation. Let's hope it helps. Jeff and I aren't overly optimistic.

When I gave Liam this update earlier today, he said I was turning his sister into a cyborg. Ha! I agreed that unfortunately, he's right, but that I'd prefer more artificial parts over chronic vomiting. He didn't realize this had been a problem. I suppose it's primarily an issue after he goes to bed. Funny he didn't even know...I wonder how those boys experience this. I feel bad. I work pretty hard to keep life normal for them, but today as I dropped them off at school and as I was picking them up, I was preoccupied on the phone with doctors' offices. Sigh...

I'll update again soon.

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