Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gone Tubing

I woke up this morning, eager for this to happen. Keira has been increasingly sleepy and lethargic so, needless to say, I've been worried about her. 
We set out with a chorus of encouragement via Facebook and text. Little K has an impressive cheering squad waiting in the wings. We arrived at the hospital 30 minutes late due to unexpected weather, only to find that Keira was not on the admissions list. A ball was dropped paperwork-wise, but they got to scurrying and we were in a room by 9:30. Then the tube was in by 10. 
She screamed and was so mad when they were putting it in, which Jeff and I figure is better than her not caring. We got her calmed down and she seems fine, albeit a little irritated by the tube in her throat. She's experimented a bit with not swallowing...just letting the drool come down, but it's getting better as the day wears on. 

At 10:30 they xrayed her belly to make sure the tube was placed correctly. At 11 we visited with the doc. At noon we fed her a bottle, of which she only took an ounce. We gave her the rest via "gravity feed" or gavage (which, in French, literally means "to stuff or cram"). here!
We essentially hook a syringe full of food up to the end of her NG tube and hold it above her head until it's drained. K seemed happy and milk drunk in no time. 
At 12:30 Keira took a nap. At 1:00 we wondered how a day sitting around in a hospital room can be so exhausting. At 1:30 we thought it seemed strange that we needed a hospital admission for this procedure at all. At 2, K had more X-rays. The doc had been slightly concerned about the look of her hips in the first xray...just a precaution. At 2:15 we borrowed a vibrating bouncy seat from the unit and K was happy to just hang out. 
At 2:30, I looked up at K and saw that her nose was empty! Such coordination! She pulled it out without a peep! Back in it went. It's now 3 o'clock. K is asleep on her daddy. The plan is to feed her again at 4 and if all goes well, we're outta 

Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It's been a tough week for me, but I am optimistic that Keira will be more lively again soon. 

1 comment:

  1. So, does the tube stay in permanently then and you do what you did in the hospital at home? Did they teach you how to put it back in if she pulls it out at home, or do you have to keep going back to St. Luke's? Hope this helps her!!!
