Friday, February 8, 2013

All Is Well (For Now)

Keira is resting comfortably. Pray for no drama tonight. The boys are with Grandma Janie. Jeff and I are going to get a good night's sleep. My dad is with K.

Things were largely stable through the day and into this evening. They've gotten a better feel for how to keep her properly sedated and comfortable, how to help the gunk out of her chest, and how to avoid her heart decelerating. Her lungs seem better overall (yea, I forgot to mention that a lung collapsed last seemed minor in the scheme of things) They may still give her blood, but we won't know till tomorrow.

The biggest concern as we left this evening is that K is retaining fluid. She's all puffy and swollen. They've been giving her extra fluids, but she needs to keep eliminating them, too. So, they're keeping an eye on that.

They brought her sedation down a tad this evening, so she's not completely looking like a CPR dummy. She'll grasp your hand, stretch her legs, and open her eyes briefly from time to time. She seems to respond somewhat to voices as well.

It looks like all of this has just been a simple chest cold. No RSV or flu or anything that we know of. Very little fever. So we're just trying to keep her supported and comfortable until she can beat the cold. We've been warned that it could still get worse before it gets better, as we all tend to feel the worst on day 3 or 4 when we get sick.

Thank you for keeping up with us and being there for us. I regret the impersonal nature of blogging but I can give you much more information than I could if I was having to call or text many different people.


  1. No apologies necessary. We all appreciate the updates, however they come. The boys and I have been praying for you constantly. Kaleb asked God to "Help Keira feel better...right NOW"! :) Amen to that.

  2. You're doing GREAT, Mama! Not at all impersonal. We know that everything is sapping your energy. Love and hugs and prayers.

  3. I love Keira very much and I'm so sorry she is sick
    Love, Madalyn

    We love you all so much and appreciate you sharing your journey with us this way so we can support you.
    love you so!!
